Congregation Beth Shalom ~ November 18, 2021 ~ ~ 573-499-4855

deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week
Contact Rabbi Phil Cohen at or 716.481.7929
See the CBS calendar here:
Send calendar items to Mary at
Don’t forget to get your 2021/22 pledge in. This can be done at the ShulCloud site:
or by mail and check. 
For assistance please contact the CBS office:
For ShulCloud help see Emily Fuller’s excellent tutorial:
Shabbat Services
Friday Night/Erev Shabbat
Tot Shabbat services at 5:30 pm, led by Emily Fuller and Amanda Rainey. We will say blessings, sing and hear a story.

Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6:30 pm  in person and via Zoom, led by the women of our shul.

Saturday Morning
Rabbi Cohen leads a Reform Shabbat morning service in-person and via Zoom at 10 am. B’nai mitzvah students and their families are encouraged to attend. Note: If you don’t have a copy of Mishkan Tefilah and would like to borrow one, contact the office:

Parashat Vayishlach

Torah – Genesis/Bereshit 32:4-36:43

Haftarah – Obadiah 1:1-1:21

Here are links to this week’s texts via Sefaria: 

Coming Up
Hanukkah Party Sunday, December 1 @ 6 pm
Seminarion Mondays @ 7 pm –
Tefilah Tuesdays @ 7 pm –
Hebrew Bible with Howard Lidsky Sunday @ noon @ CBS
Religious School & Youth Group
Religious school, Hebrew school and Youth Group will not meet this week – Thanksgiving break
Erev Shabbat at CBS
all services begin Friday evenings at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted

26 – Zoom Shabbat with Rabbi Phil Cohen (Thanksgiving weekend)

3 – Kindergarten consecration @ 5:30 pm (Zoom and in-person)
10 – 2nd Shabbos; Jenn Haselswerdt, CBS librarian (Zoom and in-person)
17 – Services with CBS post-b’nai mitzvah students (Zoom and in-person)
24 & 31 – Zoom-only services (winter holidays)

Hanukkah Party!

Details and registration here:
Afghan Refugees
CBS members are helping with Afghan refugee resettlement through Catholic Charities, which is coordinating local efforts.

See CC’s form online if interested in getting involved:

The CBS Tikkun Olam committee is also making financial contributions to this effort and to City of Refuge, a Columbia group that has an of items for the refugee families:

Tikkun Olam
Here are a couple of ways to help fellow Columbians  during this season of giving:
  • The “Christmas Mitzvah” of adopting a family through the Voluntary Action Center continues this year. Bring donated items to the Hanukkah party or contact Michelle Golden to make other arrangements to drop off gifts at her home between November 28 and December 1. See full details about our family and their needs here:
  • CBS is collecting coats, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, scarves, and winter hats this winter, to be distributed through several shelters.  A hanger box is in the foyer of the sanctuary. Please help others stay warm during the cold months.
Interfaith Garden
The Interfaith Garden has concluded another successful year of growing fresh produce to distribute to hungry Columbians. This year we were just shy of 2000 pounds of veggies harvested. About a dozen CBS members participated in the gardening, and religious school and youth group helped with planting and harvesting.  

We again partnered with members of the Newman Center and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic churches, along with groups from the university and Eagle Scouts as well.  We’ll start up again on Sunday mornings in the spring spring, so please join us if you can. Scheduled work days will be announced in springtime issues of eShalom.

Seminarion with Rabbi Cohen
Rabbi Cohen’s Seminarion class meets on Mondays at 7 pm via Zoom.

We are discussing antisemitism, its history and how what historian Robert Wistrich called The Oldest Hatred is manifesting itself in the world today.

Following our exploration of antisemitism, Rabbi Cohen will next present a 3-session workshop on writing ethical wills.
Join in via Zoom:

Desserts for True North
The True North shelter had a flood and they are not accepting any food donations right now.  Our CBS coordinator, Michelle Golden, will keep in touch with them and when they are back up and running we’ll post the information here.
In honor of Anne and Marc Alexander’s anniversary
David and Ellen Gardner

In honor of Michael Gardner’s birthday
David and Ellen Gardner

In honor of Marc Alexander’s informative lecture on antisemitism
David and Ellen Gardner

In honor of Rebecca Smith’s participation in The Schlep
David and Ellen Gardner

In honor Dr. Elly Cohen’s informative lecture on refugees
David and Ellen Gardner (RDF)

Donations to CBS are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.

Send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.

Tell & Kvell!
Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at to include in eShalom.

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