Our Leadership

Executive Officers 2024-2025

Paul Eisenstein
Paul joined CBS after moving to Columbia in 2016. Paul has served on the Board of Directors since 2019. Paul is married to Kim and they are proud parents of Asher and Millie who’ve both enjoyed attending the religious school since they were three. Professionally, Paul serves as Sr. Director of Operations at Missouri’s Department of Economic Development.
Ben Trachtenberg
Vice President
Ben Trachtenberg was born in Hartford, Connecticut and grew up there and in Washington, D.C. He attended the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville, Maryland and was bar mitzvahed at Adas Israel in Washington.
He attended college at Yale, earned a master’s degree at the University of Limerick, Ireland, and studied law at Columbia (the one in New York). 
Since 2010, he has taught at the University of Missouri School of Law. He is married to Joanna Trachtenberg, a lawyer. Their kids are Akiva and Shoshana.

Michael Gardner




Other CBS Board Members

Emily Fuller
Emily Fuller has been an elementary music teacher for Columbia Public Schools since 2012.  She teaches in our CBS Religious School and has been a part of the Camp Ben Frankel community in-person and online.  Emily has a husband, John, who also teaches for CPS, and a daughter, Elsa.
  Alix Cossette
  Jake Johnson
  Jake Roth
  Judith Goodman
  Margie Sable


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