
‘Do not separate yourself from the community’ – Hillel, Pirke Avot 2:4 

Our community thrives on the contributions of its members, both time and treasure. A gift to CBS is a thoughtful way to celebrate with and remember our loved ones and friends. A card acknowledging that a donation has been made in their honor will be sent to the honoree, and the donation will be listed in the monthly newsletter. Donations can be made anonymously if you prefer. All donations will be credited to the General Fund unless you direct otherwise.

Currently CBS has the following funds:

 General Fund – supports ongoing religious and social activities 
 Capital Campaign Fund – construction costs for our new synagogue/school building 
 Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – helps those faced with emergencies 
 Sasha Max Yelon Book Fund – acquires children’s books for the CBS library 
 Religious School Scholarship Fund – assists families with religious school tuition

Another way to support our community is with a plaque on our memorial board or on our simcha board. Honor or remember family and friends with a $200 contribution – you choose the wording. 
Please send your check (made payable to CBS) to Congregation Beth Shalom, 500 W. Green Meadows Road, Columbia, MO 65203. We ask a minimum donation of $12 ($8 for CBS members) and chai ($18) for life cycle events such as births, weddings, yahrzeits, etc.

Congregation Beth Shalom is a tax-exempt religious organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please consult with your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of your contribution. 

Support CBS While You Shop!


Support CBS while you shop. A portion of your grocery bill can go to support CBS at no cost to you when you shop with the Schnuck’s gift card . Likewise, a portion of your purchase costs goes to CBS when you shop these web-based affliated programs (the only catch is that you must connect to the sites via our own site; please note that it doesn’t add a penny to your costs). Conduct your web searches through “GoodSearch” and add to our good painlessly; consider making it your default search engine, and us the default charity. Just click on links for more information or to shop on-line.


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Congregation Capitol Campaign

Please consider helping to build a permanent home for CBS on our lovely land by contributing to our Capital Campaign.  Link here to a page with more details about this exciting project:  Capital Campaign

Our property on Green Meadows Road


Enjoy Yourself, and Help CBC Too!



Judy Tellerman, a well respected singer and composer of Biblical and Jewish songs, has generously offered us the opportunity to enjoy her music and benifit ourselves at the same time.  Judy is the sister of our own Barbara Tellerman.  Because CBS is such an important part of her families lives, she has generously agreed to alow us to sell her musical CD and to keep 50% of the profit for our capital building campaign.  Check back soon for more details concerning CD’s, song lyrics, etc.

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