Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher ~rabbi.derrenbacher@gmail.com~ 315.576.3271
Emily’s office hours: Tuesday through Friday 12 pm – 5 pm deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week
Bikur cholim:If you know someone who is ill, or if you yourself are ill and would like a visit from Rabbi Derrenbacher, please contact the office at 573.499.4855 or the rabbi directly at 315.576.3271.
Note that hospitals no longer notify us when a community member is admitted.
NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.
*** NOTE: Friday & Saturday services are ZOOM ONLY***
Havdalah and Monday Minyan are CANCELLED
Friday Night
Martin Luther King Jr Shabbat
Kabbalat ShabbatServices with Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher @ 7 pm
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah Zoom: click here; password: Shalom
Saturday Morning Shabbat Morning Services with Rabbi Derrenbacher @10 am Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah
Zoom: click here; password: Shalom
Shabbat Vaera Pharaoh’s heart is hardened Torah – Sh’mot/Exodus 6:2-9:35
Triennial Year 2: Sh’mot 7:8-8:15
Sefaria link: click here
Haftarah – Ezekiel 28:6-29:31
Sefaria link: click here
Havdalah Saturday evenings @ 7 pm – cancelled January 13th Morning Minyan Mondays & Thursdays @ 7 am – cancelled January 15th
Sunday, January 14th
Religious School does not meet – expecting bad weather
Wednesday, January 17th
Hebrew School meets as usual
MLK Shabbat
Fri Jan 12 @ 7 pm Zoom Only
Community Shabbat
Fri-Sat Jan 19-20
Julie Rosenfeld in Concert
Sun Jan 21 @ 3 pm
Tikkun Olam Committee
Mon Jan 22 @ 6 pm
Learner’s Shabbat
Fri-Sat Jan 26-27
Todah Rabbah (big thanks) to all who helped make our Loaves and Fishes meal on December 31st a success! We received many generous donations and our hard-working crew of volunteers served about 120 meals on a cold night. Our leftover food was received gratefully by St. Francis House.
Our next Loaves & Fishes meal will be on Sunday, March 31st at the new time of 4 pm (setup at 3:15 pm).
Our next Tikkun Olam event will be the annual Souper Sunday soup packet extravaganza on February 11th. Details to come.
The Tikkun Olam committee meeets Monday, January 22nd at 6 pm in the sanctuary. Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Please contact Noah (HeringmanN@missouri.edu) or Brent (brentdeelg@gmail.com) with questions.
Sora Henda Magariel
5 Shevat/January 15 Sedalia yahrzeit
Stephen Schneider
5 Shevat/January 15 Hank Schneider’s brother
Herbert Horwitz
7 Shevat/January 17 Bruce Horwitz’s father
Lillian Reichlin
8 Shevat/January 18 Vera Reichlin’s grandmother
Do we have your family’s information listed correctly? If not, or if you need to add someone, please send a note to Mary at maxmax@mchsi.com.
CBS maintains the yahrzeits of Temple Beth El in Sedalia.
Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the endowment fund, Tikkun Olam, the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Credit card or PayPal donations can be made via the CBS web page:
https://cbsmo.org/ Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.