Congregation Beth Shalom ~ December 2, 2021 ~ ~ 573-499-4855

deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week
Contact Rabbi Phil Cohen at or 716.481.7929
See the CBS calendar here:
Send calendar items to Mary at
Don’t forget to get your 2021/22 pledge in. This can be done at the ShulCloud site:
or by mail and check. 
For assistance please contact the CBS office:
For ShulCloud help see Emily Fuller’s excellent tutorial:
Shabbat Services
Friday Night/Erev Shabbat
Kindergarten Consecration at 5:30 pm, in-person and via Zoom. Treats will be provided.

Saturday Morning
Rabbi Cohen leads a Reform Shabbat morning service via Zoom at 10 am. B’nai mitzvah students and their families are encouraged to attend. Note: If you don’t have a copy of Mishkan Tefilah and would like to borrow one, contact the office:
Rabbi Cohen leads Torah study via Zoom at 11 am.

Parashat Miketz/Shabbat Chanukah/Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

Torah – Genesis/Bereshit 41:1-44:17

Haftarah – Zechariah 2:14-4:7

Here are links to this week’s texts via Sefaria: 

Coming Up
CBS Board Meeting Thursday, December 2 @ 7 pm
Kindergarten Consecration Friday, December 3 @5:30 pm
Second Shabbos with Jenn Book Haselswerdt Friday, December 10 @6 pm
Semi-Annual Meeting Sunday, December 12 @ 4 pm
Tefilah Tuesdays @ 7 pm –
Hebrew Bible with Howard Lidsky Sundays @ noon @ CBS
Religious School & Youth Group
Religious school & Youth Group will meet Sunday, December 5
Hebrew school will  meet Wednesday, December 8 at 6:30 pm
CBS Board and Semi-Annual Meeting
 – The CBS board meets Thursday, December 2 at 7 pm.

  – The CBS semi-annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 12 at 4 pm.
As before, it will be held via Zoom. We have lots happening, so please join us for information and updates.

Second Shabbos
Second Shabbos is Friday, December 10 at the special time of 6 pm, in-person and via Zoom.  The early start time is so that families can attend together.

Our guest speaker will be Jenn Book Haselswerdt, our CBS librarian. Jenn’s topic is “Telling Our Traditions with Stories and Books,” and she’ll provide suggestions for family reading and storytelling.

The famous Second Shabbos bag will contain challah and other Shabbos treats. If you plan to attend in person, we’ll have a bag ready for you to take home.

Either way, sign up by Tuesday December 7, by emailing the office at and a Shabbos bag will be awaiting you on Friday either at services or at the farmhouse between 11-1 (special accommodations are quite possible).

Erev Shabbat at CBS

3rd @ 5:30 pm: Kindergarten consecration (Zoom and in-person)

10th  @ 6 pm: Second Shabbos; Telling Our Traditions with Stories and Books with Jenn Book Haselswerdt (Zoom and in-person)

 17th @ 6:30 pm: Services with CBS post-b’nai mitzvah students (Zoom and in-person)

24th & 31st @ 6:30 pm:  Zoom-only services (winter holidays)

Columbia Values Diversity Breakfast
Tickets for the 2022 Columbia Values Diversity breakfast are available now and selling fast.   This community event will be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center on Thursday morning, January 13, from 7am – 9 am.  A program promoting diversity through the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. will be presented along with the breakfast.

Because of continued COVID concerns, the overall seating capacity and the number of seats at each table will be reduced.  CBS is sponsoring a table as a “Friend” but this year we will not be reserving a table.

Tickets are $20/person. For more information and to order tickets visit the Columbia Cultural Affairs website:

Afghan Refugees
CBS members are helping with Afghan refugee resettlement through Catholic Charities, which is coordinating local efforts. If interested in getting involved, here’s CC’s website:

The CBS Tikkun Olam committee is making financial contributions to this effort and to City of Refuge, a Columbia group that is collecting items for refugee families. Their website:

Also – again this year, CBS is collecting coats, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, scarves, and winter hats, to be distributed through several shelters.  A hanger box is in the foyer of the sanctuary. Please help fellow Columbians stay warm during the cold months.

A Hanukkah Film Fest

See the trailer and buy tickets:

Enter Promo Code CBSMO and receive 25% off the ticket price
CBS will receive $18 of each $36 ticket purchase – a win/win!
Desserts for True North
The True North shelter had a flood and they are not accepting any food donations right now.  Our CBS coordinator, Michelle Golden, will keep in touch with them and when they are back up and running we’ll post the information here.
Donations to CBS are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.

Send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.

Tell & Kvell!
Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at to include in eShalom.

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