Friday Night/Erev Shabbat Rabbi Phil Cohen leads KabbalatShabbat servicesat 6:30 pm in person and via Zoom.
This will be a special service, with much participation and a festive Oneg sponsored by Betsy Gamburg and Rabbi Cohen. This Shabbat we read from the first verses of the book of Genesis, and Rabbi Cohen will talk about new beginnings. Also, this service will honor Beatrice Lancaster, who will celebrate her bat mitzvah the very next day. Zoom: – Meeting ID: 841 2486 5329Saturday Morning Bat Mitzvah of Beatrice Lancaster at 10 am. Join the Lancaster family for Bea’s special day. Services will be outside in the tent and virtually at A kiddush luncheon will follow.
Beatrice Lancaster’s Bat Mitzvah Saturday, October 2 @ 10 am Playground Cleanup Sunday, October 3 @ 1 pm CBS Board Meeting Thursday, October 7 @ 7 pm Sacred Music Shabbat & Concert Friday, October 8 @ 6:30 pm Bring Your Pets to Shul Sunday, October 10 @ 12:30 pm CBS Book Club Sunday, October 17 @ 3 pm Maayan Lazinger’s Bat Mitzvah Saturday, October 23 @ 10 am Seminarion Mondays @ 7 pm – Tefilah Tuesdays @ 7 pm – Hebrew Bible with Howard Lidsky Sundays @ noon @ CBS
Religious School & Youth Group
Religious school meets this Sunday, October 3
Hebrew school meets Wednesday, October 6
Youth Group meets Sundays at 11:30 am Religious school and Hebrew school will happen rain or shine. In the event of rain, preschool through grade two will meet in the farm house. Grades 3-7 will meet in the sanctuary building. Youth group will meet in the library at 11:30 am. Only staff and students will be in the buildings.
CBS Playground
A group of CBS volunteers will be sprucing up the CBS playground from 1 pm – 5pm this Sunday, October 3. We’ll pull weeds, lay weed barrier, and spread around wood chips. We already have most of the weed barrier we need and a wood chip delivery is scheduled. Our most urgent need is a little elbow grease, so please bring any that you have!
Rabbi Cohen’sSeminarion class will re-commence next Monday, October 4 at 7 pm.
For several sessions we will discuss antisemitism, its history and how what historian Robert Wistrich called The Oldest Hatred is manifesting itself in the world today.
As I’m rather vexed by antisemitism at the moment, I would like to share some history and some thoughts.
Join the Schermer family as they celebrate Judy’s 70th birthday
with a music-filled evening
on the CBS lawn (weather permitting) Friday, October 8 @ 6:30 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat services followed by a concert of sacred music
CBS lawn, weather permitting*
We hope you can join us for a music-filled evening! Rebekka Goldsmith from Philadelphia and Eitan Kantor from St. Louis will delight us with vocals and violin.
Rebekka performs and leads sacred music throughout North America. For her, voice is a physical, emotional and spiritual practice for activating personal development and supporting deep group connection. Learn more about her at
Eitan is a musician, composer and educator. He evinces curiosity and playfulness, and has faith in the ability of each person to be an essential thread in the communal music tapestry. Learn more about him at
No Gifts Please. To honor Judy, please make a donation to the new sacred music fund, ℅ Congregation Beth Shalom. Proceeds will support bringing sacred music performers to CBS annually.
*If weather moves us inside, vaccinations or a negative COVID test required ~ masks required outdoors or indoors
Bring Your Pets to Shul
Bring your pets to shul on Sunday, October 10 at 12:30 pm. In celebration of parashat Noah, which we read on Shabbat, October 9, we will celebrate the lives of our pets, and the joy our furry friends bring to us.
We’ll serve a light lunch and offer a prayer in honor of the animals who bless our lives. Cats, dogs, rabbits, fish (admittedly not furry), ocelots, hamsters, mice, monkeys, gorillas, gazelles, goats—whatever animal makes your life better—all are welcome to be part of this gathering. To repeat: food will be served.
Project Isaiah
Project Isaiah this year was dedicated to the memory of Ruben Hakimi and was a great success.
We filled all three barrels with food items, not once but twice, and collected $215 in checks. The online portion of Project Isaiah, organized by the youth group on Facebook, raised a whopping $1,847, for a grand total of $2,062. The food donations weighed in at 522 pounds.
Todah rabah to Kelly Durante for organizing the online portion, to Noah Heringman for arranging the food delivery, to the Tikkun Olam Committee for ideas, and to all who participated!
CBS Book Club
The next CBS Book Club meeting will take place on October 17 at 3 pm. We will be discussing The Yellow Bird Sings by Jennifer Rosner. The novel is based on true stories of Jewish children hidden during World War II. Reviews describe it as a beautiful story that testifies to the strength of the mother-child bond and that celebrates hope in even the worst of times.
All are welcome to join.
Desserts for True North
CBS helps True North feed the women and children in their shelter by supplying desserts/snacks once a week. The residents make their own meals and this helps them greatly!
If you can help, plan for around 40-50 people. Drop off the goodies between 9 am and 7pm Thursday through Saturday for the week you sign up. Since they keep their address private (due to the nature of their services) please call ahead and let them know you are on your way: 573.875.1370. Ring the doorbell and tell the staff that you are from CBS, dropping off food for the residents.
Please label your treats with any allergens – dairy, nuts, etc., in case a resident has an allergy.
We are excited to announce that the second annual Schlep for CBS is set for Sunday, November 7 at 1 pm.
The Schlep for CBS is a run/walk/roll (5K or 1 mile) fundraiser. Our goals are to have fun and support our awesome Jewish community in mid-Missouri.
Much is new about this year’s Schlep, including:
A marked course. Our Schleppers in Columbia will start out at the Twin Lakes Pavilion*, jaunt around the lake, go through the scenic Forum Nature Preserve (5K only), and finish back at Twin Lakes Pavilion.
A virtual option is also available.
Discounts for students: only $10 for all students through college.
Fundraising options: Schleppers can raise money beyond their registration fees. Raising money for CBS is as simple as sending out an email to friends and family.
Prizes: Prizes for those who raise funds and finish at the top.
Thank you for considering Schlepping with us again this year. It’ll be a blast!
If you have any questions, please contact Paul and Kim at 314-435-3224 or
In honor of Marc Alexander’s birthday David & Ellen GardnerDonations to CBS are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund or the school scholarship fund.
Send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.
Tell & Kvell!
Leslie and Mike Miller welcomed their first grandchild, Georgia Quinn Gaynor, daughter of Lauren and Andrew Gaynor, on Monday, September 27th.
Leslie and Mike are also celebrating the engagement of their son Kent to Michelle Abtahi.
Mazal Tov to All!
Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at to include in eShalom.