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Purim Donation Form
Congregation Beth Shalom is happy to provide you with a unique opportunity to fulfill two mitzvot of Purim this year: the giving of tzedakah and Mishloach Manot–Sh’lach Manos, or sending packages of food to friends. You can honor your Beth Shalom friends and support your synagogue while following this wonderful tradition.
Every CBS member family receives a Purim gift bag
which will be delivered to Beth Shalom members within our delivery area.
Members outside the delivery area should contact Debi Kupferer at dkupfere@gmail.com to make arrangements to pick up their bags at CBS.
This project will be successful if we all contribute! Act now by filling out the order form below. Everyone that joins in this mitzvot will be recognized at their level of giving in each Purim bag and in an upcoming eShalom.
Send this order form with check to Debi Kupferer by
Monday, Feb 24, 2025
Please PRINT your name exactly as you wish it to appear on the acknowledgment.
Family Name
Please type your family's name as you would like it to be stated for the acknowledgement
Delivery Address
Street Address
Anonymous Donor?
I would like to be an anonymous donor.
No Bags Please?
I do not wish to have a bag delivered to me.
Volunteer Help
Please volunteer to help assemble and/or deliver!
I can help stuff bags on Saturday, March 8th at 3:00pm at CBS.
I can help deliver starting at 9:00am on Sunday, March 9th at CBS.
Levels of Giving (examples of what your contribution provides)
$18.00 - HamantaschenTzedakah
(funds one Purim bag)
$36.00 - Megillah Tzedakah
(helps fund 1 set of High Holy Days prayer books, $52)
$90.00 - King Ahasuerus Tzedakah
(helps fund 1 week of ground maintenance, $250)
- Receive one bonus baggie of hamantaschen
$136.00 - Mordecai Tzedakah
(funds 2 weeks of phone & internet service)
- Receive two bonus baggies of hamantaschen
$180.00 - Esther Tzedakah
(helps fund one hour of Religious school for our children)
- Receive two bonus baggies of hamantaschen, plus one baggie of specialty chocolate dipped hamantaschen
from Goldie's Bagels
Extra bags @ $15.00/bag (minimum donation of Megillah level)
NEW: Extra baggies @ $4.00/baggie of 5 assorted flavor hamantaschen (minimum donation of Hamantaschen level)
Additional donation to help defray increased costs due to inflation
Please tell us any other special instructions (e.g. no bag, no delivery, pick up in office, etc.)
Your Total Tzedakah
OR Print the order form and a send a check made out to Congregation Beth Shalom to:
Debi Kupferer
403 Kangaroo Court.
Columbia, MO 65202
Don’t send your order form to CBS!