24 Tammuz 5783 ~ July 13, 2023 ~ www.cbsmo.org ~ 573.499.4855

Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher ~ rabbi.derrenbacher@gmail.com ~ 315.576.3271
Emily’s office hours: Tuesday through Friday 12 pm – 5 pm
deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week
See the CBS calendar here: https://cbsmo.org/calendar/
Send calendar items to Mary at maxmax@mchsi.com

NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.

Friday Night/Erev Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat services in the Reform tradition at 7 pm
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85220155723
Password: Shalom


Saturday Morning
Theo Wilson’s Bar Mitzvah
Emily Fuller and Mary Hartigan
lead Shabbat morning services in the Reform tradition at 10 am.
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84828235420
Password: Shalom

Shabbat Matot-Masei
The Israelites receive commandments about oaths and vows
Torah – Numbers/B’midbar 30:2-36:13
Sefaria link here

Haftarah – Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4
Sefaria link here and here

Theo Wilson’s Bar Mitzvah Saturday, July 15 @ 10 am
Loaves & Fishes Sunday, July 30
Monday Morning Minyan on hiatus until August

Hi, CBS,
I hope you all are doing well!
As some of you may already know, I am a Chaplain Select for the US Air Force Reserves, and I wanted to take a moment to let you all know that yesterday I received my orders for the summer. I will be reporting for duty this Friday at Robins AFB in Georgia, to begin teaching the new cohort of incoming Chaplain Candidates.
During my time there I will have the opportunity to teach future USAF Chaplains about Judaism, to address the importance of religious accommodation in a religiously diverse space, to provide religious counseling for Airmen on base, and to lead minyanim for Jewish Airmen and Veterans. Over the course of my tour I will be sending email updates to let you all know what I am up to and how the values and experiences of the CBS community are impacting the lives of Jewish and non-Jewish Airmen alike!
I also think it is important for you all to know that while I will be on a short Active Duty tour for the next couple of weeks, I am still your full-time rabbi. I may not physically be here, but I am always available to talk by phone or to set up a Zoom appointment for times that I am not teaching or counseling.
We’ve gotten some amazing momentum going in terms of services and other Jewish activities, and I’ll be using some of my time away to continue planning with various committees so we can maximize the momentum when I return! Be on the lookout for some amazing classes and events that we’ll be offering in August, as well as for some great programming and class offerings as the academic year ramps up!
I’ll talk to you all soon and I’ll send updates!
Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher
2d Lt, USAF
Chaplain Select

It’s Pledge Time!

You may now make your 2023-2024 membership pledge online through ShulCloud. Go to “My Account,” and you’ll find a blue button that reads “Pledge Form.” Or you may click here, which will take you directly to ShulCloud. Once there you will need to login.

If you have not yet established an account with ShulCloud, you may print and fill out a PDF of the pledge form that can be found under the Membership tab and Membership Form at cbsmo.org.
Or make payments by credit card or e-check. For stock transfers, please contact Michael Gardner at midmocbstreas@gmail.com to make arrangements.
If you’ve already submitted a pledge form, thanks! If not, please do so promptly. If you’ll have children enrolled in the religious school we’ll need to have your pledge before Sunday School formally begins on August 27 (registration information will be shared soon).
If you need assistance please contact Emily Colvin at 499.4855, Tues – Fri, noon – 5 pm.
For ShulCloud help see Emily Fuller’s excellent tutorial here.
Thank you.

Join the Wilson family as they celebrate Theo’s bar mitzvah on Saturday, July 15th at 10 am.

A kiddush luncheon will follow.

Debbie Kaplan is recognized as a ‘Pillar of CBS’ for her 25 years as our religious school principal at services on Friday, July 7. With Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher and CBS president Tim Parshall.
Mazal Tov and Todah Rabbah, Debbie!

In months with a fifth Sunday, CBS provides a full dinner to fellow Columbians in need through the Loaves & Fishes program. We are serving Sunday, July 30th, and we need donations of food items as well as volunteers to set up, serve, and clean up.
Click here to sign up to help/bring food.
Bring food to Wilkes Blvd. Methodist Church, 702 Wilkes Blvd. (back entrance), before 4:15 pm that day. Volunteers setting up/serving should arrive by 4:30 pm and those serving/cleaning up at 5 pm. We expect to serve about 150 people, and the need for volunteers to serve is especially critical.
With questions, please contact Noah at heringmann@missouri.edu or Brent at brentdeelg@gmail.com

GARDEN WORK DAYS are from 9 am to 11 am on Wednesday and Sunday. Feel free to contact Noah (HeringmanN@missouri.edu), Brent (brentdeelg@gmail.com), or Julie (jdeering76@gmail.com) for more information.

Happy Hour and Havdalah
Saturday, July 8th

With the hot and dry weather it takes extra water to keep the gardens on each side of the door to the new building looking good.  (These together are the memorial garden.) We need volunteers to take a turn with the watering. Please sign up for a date(s) with the SignUpGenius link below. If you have questions, contact Tanya Christiansen at tj_christiansen@yahoo.com.
Click here for the SignUpGenius link

Thank you!

Rabbi Matt and members of the Missouri chapter of the Jewish War Veterans at their state meeting, Sunday, July 9th.
CBS is proud to host them each summer.

Benjamin Schuyler
25 Tammuz/July 14
Debra Finkel’s father

Louis Isgur
27 Tammuz/July 16
Sedalia yahrzeit

Norman Segall
27 Tammuz/July 16
Keith Segall’s father

Sarah Fredkin Cantor
29 Tammuz/July 18
Sedalia yahrzeit

Caleb Emme
July 22
Art Auer’s stepson

Do we have your family’s information listed correctly? If not, or if you need to add someone, please send a note to Mary at  maxmax@mchsi.com.
CBS maintains the yahrzeits of Temple Beth El in Sedalia.

Alix and Brendan Cossette are donating copies of Sim Shalom for Weekdays in honor of their daughter Elina’s naming.
Todah rabbah!

Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the endowment fund, Tikkun Olam, the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Credit card or PayPal donations can be made via the CBS web page: https://cbsmo.org/ Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.

Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at maxmax@mchsi.com to include in eShalom.
Visit the CBS  ShulCloud site to make payments on your current pledge:  https://midmocongregationbethshalom.shulcloud.com
Or make payments and pledges by mail and check
For assistance please contact the CBS treasurer: midmocbstreas@gmail.com

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