11 Tevet 5784 ~ December 28, 2023 ~ www.cbsmo.org ~ 573.499.4855

Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher ~ rabbi.derrenbacher@gmail.com ~ 315.576.3271
Emily’s office hours: Tuesday through Friday 12 pm – 5 pm
deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week

Bikur cholim: If you know someone who is ill, or if you yourself are ill and would like a visit from Rabbi Derrenbacher, please contact the office at 573.499.4855 or the rabbi directly at 315.576.3271.
Note that hospitals no longer notify us when a community member is admitted.

See the CBS calendar here: https://cbsmo.org/calendar/
Send calendar items to Mary at maxmax@mchsi.com

NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.

Friday Night

Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher @ 7 pm
NOTE: Zoom only – no in-person services
no siddur needed

Zoom: click here; password: Shalom

Saturday Morning

Dan Edidin & friends lead Shabbat morning services @ 10 am
Siddur: Sim Shalom
Zoom: click 
here; password: Shalom

Shabbat Vayigash
Joseph reveals himself to his brothers

Torah – Bereshit/Genesis 44:18-47:27
Triennial Year 2: Bereshit 45:28-46:27
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah
Sefaria link: click here

Haftarah – Ezekiel 37:15-28
Sefaria link: click here

on hiatus for the winter break
Saturday evenings @ 7 pm
Morning Minyan Mondays & Thursdays @ 7 am

Christmas Oneg @ FBC
Sun Dec 24

Loaves & Fishes
Sun Dec 31

Sign up HERE to bring sweet treats and help out!
With questions, contact Sheri @ 573.268.0760

In months with a fifth Sunday, CBS provides a full dinner to fellow Columbians in need through the Loaves & Fishes program. We are serving Sunday, December 31st, and we need donations of food items as well as volunteers to set up, serve, and clean up.
Bring food to Wilkes Blvd. Methodist Church, 702 Wilkes Blvd. (back entrance), before 4:15 pm that day. Volunteers setting up/serving/cleaning up should arrive by 4:30 pm. We expect to serve about 150 people, and the need for volunteers to serve is especially critical.

To help, sign up HERE


With questions, please contact Noah at heringmann@missouri.edu or Brent at brentdeelg@gmail.com

The Tikkun Olam committee is pleased to report that we have now matched the first $1,000 donated to our Facebook fundraiser for Magen David Adom. Our grand total is now approaching $2,500.  Thanks to all who donated and to Kelly Durante for organizing the fundraiser.

Kelly will continue the fundraiser through the end of December. Click here to donate.

The next meeting of the CBS Book Club will be February 18th at 3 pm. We will be discussing The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East by Sandy Tolan.
Contact Jean Ispa at ispaj@missouri.edu If you’d like to join the book club’s mailing list. All are welcome!

The 2024 Mah Jongg cards are available from Dee Dee Strnad for $14 (small) and $15 (large).
CBS receives $5 for each card sold, and last year we raised $1,685 for Tikkun Olam.
Make checks out to Dee Dee Strnad and send to her at 803 Cornell, Columbia 65203, or give her cash. With questions call Dee Dee at 573.445.4510.


Gerry Barkovitz
16 Tevet/December 28
Lynn Parshall’s mother

Susan Slotsky
16 Tevet/December 28
Mary Muscato’s sister

Jerry Perkoff
12 Tevet/December 24
CBS yahrzeit

Barbara Zatzman
13 Tevet/December 25
CBS yahrzeit

Do we have your family’s information listed correctly? If not, or if you need to add someone, please send a note to Mary at  maxmax@mchsi.com.
CBS maintains the yahrzeits of Temple Beth El in Sedalia.

Speedy and complete recovery for Irwin Kaye
David & Ellen Gardner

Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the endowment fund, Tikkun Olam, the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Credit card or PayPal donations can be made via the CBS web page: 
https://cbsmo.org/ Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.

Visit the CBS  ShulCloud site to make payments on your current pledge:  https://midmocongregationbethshalom.shulcloud.com
Or make payments and pledges by mail and check
For assistance please contact the CBS treasurer: midmocbstreas@gmail.com

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