Our Hesed Committee needs a chairperson
Synagogues like to claim that they are a family, meant in the best sense of the word, of course.  We take care of each other.  We help each other through thick and thin.
And to a very large extent, my experience at CBS as I come to the end of my first year serving you all, teaches me that we do take pretty good care of each other.  We do as a community see ourselves responsible for each other.
However, at the moment there exists an absence in our volunteer structure that inhibits our ability to be the best we can be at caring for each other.
Our Hesed Committee needs a chairperson.
The duties of a hesed committee are numerous.  It makes certain a meal of consolation is sent to mourners. A hesed committee keeps in touch with shut ins to make certain their needs are being met. A hesed committee sees to it that people in the hospital receive visitors and that their families are doing alright.  Of all of these, the role of keeping in touch I think is the most important.  A phone call or, now as Covid has waned, a visit, from a member of the Hesed Committee can bolster spirits by helping someone feel the connection to the community and to the world at large.
The Hesed Committee does a critically important job, and taking it on would be a tremendous mitzvah.  So if you’re even willing to consider taking on this leadership role, please speak with me or Janna.
Rabbi Phil M. Cohen Ph.D.