Congregation Beth Shalom ~ July 15, 2021 ~ ~ 573-499-4855

deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week
Contact Rabbi Phil Cohen at or 716.481.7929
See the CBS calendar here:
Send calendar items to Mary at
Shabbat Services
Friday Night/Erev Shabbat
Rabbi Phil Cohen leads Kabbalat Shabbat services in-person and via Zoom at 6:30 pm.
Zoom: ~ Meeting ID: 883 2993 5807

Shabbat Morning

Rabbi Cohen leads Shabbat morning services in the Conservative tradition in-person and via Zoom at 10 am. We will also read and discuss the week’s Torah portion.
Zoom to ~ Meeting ID: 844 9116 7901

Parashat Devarim/Shabbat Chazon
Torah – Deuteronomy/Devarim 1:1-3:22

Haftarah – Isaiah 1:1-27

Here are links to this week’s texts via Sefaria:

Coming Up
Tisha B’Av observance Saturday, July 17 @ 7 pm
Sisterhood Summer Programs (below)

Seminarion Mondays @ 7:30 pm –
Tefilah Tuesdays @ 7 pm –
Hebrew Bible with Howard Lidsky Sundays @ noon @ CBS
CBS Reopening
CBS is open! We continue to Zoom weekly Shabbat services, and we also are in-person every other week in the sanctuary for both Friday evening and Saturday morning services.

Shabbat services this weekend, July 16th and July 17th, will be held in person and via Zoom

Soup for Chesed
It’s not winter but we do have friends in our congregation who are ill, have had surgery or just are in need of a boost of chicken soup (or vegetarian soup).  The Chesed committee would like to restock the freezer with soup that we can deliver to members who are  in need of some TLC.  If you can make some chicken soup (or veggie soup) and have some to spare, please contact Sheri Radman-Iken.  Put it in containers of 2 or 3 servings and Sheri will store it in her freezer.  If you know of anyone who could use some, let Sheri know and it will be lovingly delivered.
Contact Sheri at
CBS Website
CBS Website Content Refresh:

As the online “face” of our synagogue, the CBS Board and Rabbinic Search Committee are going to be quickly updating our current website content.  It is woefully out of date and will likely be a fairly large effort.  We have asked some volunteers to reach out in this process to gather information from relevant subject matter experts.  All we ask is if someone contacts you, please do your best to respond quickly as we are trying to get this updated before potential rabbinic candidates start visiting virtually.  If you feel you are such an expert and want to be proactive in offering content changes, feel free to contact me directly ( and I will put you in touch with the members working on that section.   
Thank you for your help in getting this completed.
Seth Rosner
High Holy Days Prayerbooks
We are replacing our current High Holiday machzor (prayerbook) with the new Reform machzor, Mishkan Hanefesh, a two-volume set published by the CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis) Press. To see more, visit their webpage:

We are planning to purchase 50 copies of this machzor set, to remain at CBS. We’ll also take orders from congregants to purchase individual copies to use at services, whether in-person or online. CCAR will give us a discount, making the cost $40 per set including shipping.

You can order copies for your family by mailing the information below and a check to CBS, or via this link to our web page:

Please order by July 20. We’ll notify you when to pick them up at CBS.

We’re also accepting donations to defray the synagogue’s cost for ordering CBS’s copies. We’ll add a book plate acknowledging your contribution.

– Order by July 20
– Send this information and your check to CBS, or
– Order online at

Name: ____________________________

Email: ____________________________

Personal copies @ $40 each: ______

Donation for additional copies  @$40 each: ______

Total: ______

Bookplate inscription for donated copies:

This last year has been long, isolating, and lonely for many. Like the rest of our society, we need to transition safely to programming that will bring us together and nurture our body and soul.

This summer we are planning some great programs:

Crafting * Food * Friendship
Monday, July 26  @ 7 pm – Crafting with Friends
Bring your craft projects or start a new one with your CBS sisters. Enjoy refreshments and get your creativity flowing.
* Beginning Mah-Jongg *
Sisterhood has a long tradition of Mah-Jongg matches and tournaments. It’s time to raise the next generation of players. Are you interested in learning? Now’s your chance!
Mandana Hakimi offers instruction for beginners – next session TBA.
* Covid Considerations *
Are masks required?  Inside the building: yes. Outside: optional
Are the programs indoors?  Depends on the weather; if indoors, masks are required.
Will we be social distancing?  Yes, unless masks are worn.
Are vaccinations required to attend? No.
Lunch in the Park
* Volunteers still needed for Wednesday, July 21 and Tuesday, July 27 *

CBS is participating in the Lunch in the Park program this summer. Volunteers assemble and serve sack lunches to children in the Douglass Park shelter, 400 N Providence Rd.

Lunches will be served from 12 noon to 1 pm, so volunteers should be at Douglass by 11:45 am and plan on staying no later than 1:15 pm.

Here’s the sign-up link:

Auschwitz Exhibit
Not long ago. Not far away.

This groundbreaking exhibition at Kansas City’s Union Station brings together more than 700 original objects and 400 photographs from over 20 institutions and museums around the world.

Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away. is the most comprehensive exhibition dedicated to the history of Auschwitz and its role in the Holocaust ever presented in North America, and an unparalleled opportunity to confront the singular face of human evil—one that arose not long ago and not far away.

 Rainmakers Needed!
With the arrival of the hot summer temperatures, please help keep the memorial garden at CBS growing by help lending a hand with the watering. The memorial garden is the two flower beds by the entrance to the new building.

You can sign up to water on one or more days here:

If you have questions, please contact Tanya Christiansen at tj_christiansen@yahoo.comThanks for your help!

CBS Library
We’re excited to start gathering again, and making the library more accessible both in-person and online. In order to do that, we need … YOU! We have over 3,000 books in the library that need to be entered into our new online catalog – work that can be done at home on your own time. And the more volunteers we have, the less work each needs to do!

If you’re interested in doing some data entry work this summer, please email Jenn Book Haselswerdt at

 Seminarion and Tefilah Tuesdays
Seminarion: Are you Reform? Conservative? Orthodox? Reconstructionist? Or … ?

We’re looking at the history and meaning of the movements in Judaism, and the interrelationships of the branches.

We meet at 7:30 pm on Monday evenings.
Join in on Zoom:

Tefilah Tuesdays: Rabbi Cohen offers a brief evening service at 7 pm Tuesday evenings. Join in for singing, Maariv service and schmoozing. Here’s the link:

Thanks to all who helped when Tanya broke her leg
Tanya Christiansen & Dan Edidin

There is a long tradition to memorialize the life cycles of our families with an inscribed plaque mounted on the walls of our sanctuary. To honor a birth, wedding, anniversary, etc., and to remember a loved one who has passed allows our Jewish community to share in this event. This is also a helpful fundraiser. Please contact Rebecca Smith at 573-449-7391 for assistance.

Donations of $250 per plaque for the memorial and simcha boards can be sent to CBS at the address below.

Donations to CBS are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund or the school scholarship fund.

Send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.

Tell & Kvell!
Tim & Lynn Parshall are proud of son Josh, who published a translation of A Life in Peril (Scenes from the South) by Yerakhmiel Lazarson from the original Yiddish. The story is in In Geveb, a Yiddish studies journal,,  June 24, 2021.

Mazal Tov to all!

Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at to include in eShalom.

Interfaith Garden
The Interfaith Garden, located just past the CBS south parking lot, has started work on preparing the soil and planting spring crops. Each year CBS partners with members of the Newman Center to plant and harvest the garden, and the produce we grow is donated to the food bank. Last year we provided over 1500 pounds of fresh food.
We are wearing masks and working at a distance from one another to stay safe. There are no age requirements, nor is previous experience in gardening needed.
Currently we have workdays on Sundays from 10 am to noon.  There will also be a workday during the week – days and times will be published in eShalom once determined.  Some of our volunteers, once they are familiar with our operations, come out at other times, but not during Shabbat.
If you have interest in participating or questions, please contact any of the CBS coordinators: Michael Gold (,) Julie Deering (, or Brent Lowenberg (