NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin
in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.
The Ten Commandments Torah– Sh’mot/Exodus 18:1-20:23
Sefaria link: click here
Triennial– Sh’mot/Exodus 19:1-20:23 Sefaria link: click here Haftarah– Isaiah 6:1-7:6 and 9:5-6
Sefaria link: click here and here
Services are in person and via Zoom/Facebook
Sunday February 16
Religious school & youth group meet
Wednesday February 19
Hebrew School meets
CBS Book Club
Sun Feb 16 @ 3 pm
Rabbi Laura Sheinkopf @ CBS
Fri Feb 21 & Sat Feb 22
Rabbi Laura Sheinkopf is a graduate of Columbia University and Hebrew Union College. She is Director of Jewish Life at the Emery/Weiner School in Houston and the associate rabbi in residence at Congregation Shema Koleinu.
Please join us for an in-depth study and discussion of parashat Mishpatim and the Book of Exodus.
Fun fact: Our own Steve Sheinkopf is her brother!
In this winter weather, some of our Columbia neighbors need winter coats, gloves, scarves and stocking caps, as well as blankets and sleeping bags, to stay warm.
Please take a minute or two to check your closets for winter coats, etc. that you can spare. A collection coat rack and a box are located just inside the sanctuary building.
Photo credit: Tanya Christiansen
Sidney Zigel
19 Shevat/February 17 Ellen Gardner’s father
George Fairman
20 Shevat/February 18 Barb Fairman’s father-in-law
Joseph Zemmer
21 Shevat/February 19 CBS yahrzeit
Ron Lending
21 Shevat/February 19 CBS yahrzeit
David Marc Segall
23 Shevat/February 21 Keith Segall’s brother
Sol Levin
February 22
Jim Levin’s father
CBS is grateful to receive donations in memory of loved ones on their yahrzeit.
Click here to make donations by credit card or Pay/Pal. Or send checks to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia MO 65203.
Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the endowment fund, Tikkun Olam, the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Click here to donate by credit card or PayPal. Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.
CBS board meetings are open to members, in person and via Zoom. Meeting minutes are also available to members.
Click here to request copies of minutes from prior Board meetings.