17 Nissan 5784 ~ April 25, 2024 ~ www.cbsmo.org ~ 573.499.4855

Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher ~ rabbi.derrenbacher@gmail.com ~ 315.576.3271
to make an appointment to meet with the rabbi, please contact him directly
Emily’s office hours: Tuesday through Friday 12 pm – 5 pm
deadline for eShalom is Wednesday each week

Bikur cholim: If you know someone who is ill, or if you yourself are ill and would like a visit from Rabbi Derrenbacher, please contact the office at 573.499.4855 or the rabbi directly at 315.576.3271.
Note that hospitals no longer notify us when a community member is admitted.

See the CBS calendar here: https://cbsmo.org/calendar/
Send calendar items to Mary at maxmax@mchsi.com

NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.

Friday Night

Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher @ 7 pm
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah

Zoom: click here; password: Shalom

Saturday Morning

Learners’ Service
Shabbat Morning Services
led by Rabbi Derrenbacher @
10 am
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah
Zoom: click 
here; password: Shalom

Shabbat Pesach ch”m
The Presence passes before Moses

Torah – Sh’mot/Exodus 33:12-34:26; B’midbar/Numbers 28:19-25
Sefaria link: click here a
nd here
Haftarah – Ezekiel 37:1-14
Sefaria link: click here

Havdalah Saturday evenings @ 7 pm
Morning Minyan Mondays & Thursdays @ 7 am
Mincha & Ma’ariv Mondays & Thursdays @ 6:30 pm
All services are in person and via Zoom
Zoom: click here; password: Shalom

Join us for services via Facebook
Click here to join our private group

Sunday, April 28
Religious School & youth group meet

Wednesday, May 1
Hebrew School meets

Unpacking Jewish Prayer
Thu April 25 @ 7 pm
Zoom: click here;
password: Shalom

Learners’ Service
Sat April 27 @ 10 am

Book Club w/Howard Reich
Sun April 28 @ 3 pm
Zoom: click here

CBS Board Meeting
Thu May 2 @ 7 pm
Zoom: click here

Tot Shabbat
Fri May 3 @ 6 pm

Mickey Haselswerdt’s Bar Mitzvah
Sat May 4 @ 10 am

Religious School Last Day
Sun May 5

Sun May 5

CBS Annual Meeting
Sun May 19 @ 10 am
Zoom: click here

The CBS Book Club will meet via Zoom on April 28th at 3 pm.
Howard Reich will join our discussion of two of his books: The Art of Inventing Hope: Intimate Conversations with Elie Wiesel and Prisoner of her Past.
Click here to join by Zoom – all are welcome!

Saturday party: $100/individual, $200/couple
*RSVP by April 30 and save!
Early bird discount: $90/individual, $180/couple
here to RSVP


The true story of Jan Karski, a Polish Catholic who worked for the Polish resistance and the Jewish underground during WWII. Karski recounts his life, capture by the Nazis, visits to a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp, and his extraordinary effort to inform the West of the Holocaust, while there was still time to stop it. His legacy of moral courage reminds us of the results of prejudice and hate.

Directed by Heather Hatton

Performed by Aaron Krawitz

Musical Accompaniment by
Julie Rosenfeld and Lydia Redding

Bessie Alpert
21 Nissan/April 29
Sedalia yahrzeit

Henry (Chaim) Sable
22 Nissan/April 30
Margie Sable’s father

Paul Karchower
22 Nissan/April 30
Joan Luterman’s brother

Dorothy Meryl Handman
23 Nissan/May 1
Abigail MacGregor’s mother

Else Wolff
23 Nissan/May 1
Hanna Klachko’s mother

Morris Wolfe
23 Nissan/May 1
Bill Engelberg’s uncle

Joseph Gernsbacher
24 Nissan/May 2
Judy Schermer’s mother

Michael Roberts
24 Nissan/May 2
CBS yahrzeit

Elana Lazar Sharon
25 Nissan/May 3
Meir Lazar’s sister

Noah Barkovitz
25 Nissan/May 3
Lynn Parshall’s father

Claire Gelband
26 Nissan/May 4
Les Gelband’s mother

Frances Kanter
26 Nissan/May 4
Sedalia yahrzeit

Harold Riback
26 Nissan/May 4
Vicky Riback Wilson’s father


Do we have your family’s information listed correctly? If not, or if you need to add someone, please send a note to Mary at  maxmax@mchsi.com.
CBS maintains the yahrzeits of Temple Beth El in Sedalia.

In honor of CBS’s 50th anniversary
Stella & Rory Read

Donation of Israeli wine for the community seder
Barbara Tellerman & Allyn Sher

Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the endowment fund, Tikkun Olam, the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Credit card or PayPal donations can be made via the CBS web page: 
https://cbsmo.org/ Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.

Visit the CBS  ShulCloud site to make payments on your current pledge:  https://midmocongregationbethshalom.shulcloud.com
Or make payments and pledges by mail and check
For assistance please contact the CBS treasurer: midmocbstreas@gmail.com

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