NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.
Friday Night/Erev Shabbat Emily Fuller leads Kabbalat Shabbat services in the Reform tradition, in person and via Zoom @ 7 pm
Siddur: Mishkan Tefilah Zoom: ~ password: Shalom
Saturday Morning No Shabbat morning services Saturday, April 8th
Pesach Shabbat Chol haMoed God and Moses speak about the covenant Torah – Sh’mot/Exodus 33:12-34:26; B’midbar/Numbers 28:19-25
Community Seder Thursday, April 6 @ 5:30 pm CBS Board Meeting Thursday, April 13 @ 7 pm
to join by Zoom click here Ari Lazinger’s bar mitzvah Saturday, April 22 @ 10 am Spring Fling Saturday, April 29 @ 5 pm
Religious School meets Sunday, April 9th Hebrew School meets Wednesday, April 12th Youth Group meet Sunday, April 9th
Else Wolff
23 Nissan/April 14
Hanna Klachko’s mother
Morris Wolfe
23 Nissan/April 14 Bill Engelberg’s uncle
Joseph Gernsbacher
23 Nissan/April 15 Judy Schermer’s father
Michael Roberts
23 Nissan/April 15 Leslie Miller’s brother
NOTE: In transferring yahrzeit records to ShulCloud from the old software we’ve found that some of the data is inaccurate, primarily because the English date is incomplete. We’re committed to making the ShulCloud records as accurate as possible.
If you see that we’ve posted incorrect information or have other additions/corrections, please send a note to Mary:
CBS maintains the yahrzeits of Temple Beth El in Sedalia.
Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Credit card or PayPal donations can be made via the CBS web page: Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.
Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at to include in eShalom.