NOTE: Before scheduling a meeting or event in either the farmhouse or sanctuary building, please contact Emily Colvin in the CBS office at 573.499.4855.
Shabbat Morning Services @10 am Zoom: clickhere; password: Shalom
Shabbat Korach Korach rebels against Moses and Aaron’s leadership Torah– B’midbar/Numbers 16:1-18:32
Sefaria link: click here Triennial – B’midbar/Numbers 16:20-17:24
Sefaria link: click here Haftarah– Isaiah 66:1-24
Sefaria link: click here
All services are in person and via Zoom/Facebook
Join us for services via Facebook
Click here to join our private group
Special Board Meeting
Mon July 15 @ 7 pm
Zoom: click here
Let’s keep our Shabbat services going through the summer and into the fall.
We need congregants to facilitate a Friday night (7 pm) or Saturday morning (10 am) Shabbat service. Services can be entirely in English or Hebrew/English hybrid.
Emily Fuller and Dan Edidin have provided Friday night and Saturday morning service outlines for leaders to use as a guide. Click hereto view Friday and here to see Saturday. Copies will be on the bimah too. Use all or part of the guide, along with your own readings/prayers.
Be creative! Do it with a friend!
Choose the Reform (Mishkan Tefilah) or Conservative (Sim Shalom) prayerbook to design a service. Pick up a copy of either during Emily’s office hours (T-F, noon – 5 pm).
On Sunday, June 30th, we fulfilled our congregation’s longstanding commitment to the Loaves & Fishes program, where we have served dinner to those in need every fifth Sunday for many years.
At the program’s new location (Ashley Street Center,1509 Ashley Street) we served about 90 diners, plus at least 45 seconds, and easily got through all the food that was generously donated by members of the congregation.
Special thanks to our stalwart serving and cleanup crew: Nancy & Joel Ray, Lisa Schwartz, Dana & Bruce Weston, Leslie Rose, and Elizabeth Hornbeck.
Please consider volunteering to serve or contribute food items at the next dinner, which will be Sunday, September 29th.
CBS needs volunteers to pick up challah loaves at Goldie’s on Friday afternoons and to bring treats for Shabbat onegs.
Sign up to pick up challah here and for Shabbat onegs here.
We appreciate everyone’s help!
The CBS Book Club will meet on August 25th at 3 pm to discuss A Tale of Love and Darkness by Amos Oz. All are welcome.
If you’d like to be added to the Book Club’s distribution list, please email Jean Ispa at
Hot and dry weather is here!
The gardens on either side of the sanctuary doors make up the memorial garden. It takes extra water in the summer to keep them looking good.
We need volunteers to take a turn with the watering. Click here to sign up for a date.
With questions, click here to contact Tanya Christiansen. And thanks!!
Lillian Roberts
1 Tammuz/July 7 Leslie Miller’s mother
Samuel Broidy
2 Tammuz/July 8 Shayna Fasken’s grandfather
Robert Goodman
4 Tammuz/July 10 CBS yahrzeit
Rose Weinstein 4 Tammuz/July 10 Steve Weinstein’s mother
Harold B Greer
5 Tammuz/July 11 Sedalia yahrzeit
Phoebe Goodman
5 Tammuz/July 11 CBS yahrzeit
Bernard Puttler
6 Tammuz/July 12 Ben Puttler’s brother
Marian Levitt
6 Tammuz/July 12 CBS yahrzeit
Do we have your family’s information listed correctly? If not, or if you need to add someone, please send a note to Mary at
CBS maintains the yahrzeits of Temple Beth El in Sedalia.
In memory of Randy Smith
Lynn & Finny Aronson
In honor of our grandson Robert-Ari MacGregor’s academic achievement Abigail & Robert MacGregor
Thanks for the use of CBS’s building for our meeting
Jewish War Veterans
Donations are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the endowment fund, Tikkun Olam, the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Credit card or PayPal donations can be made via the CBS web page: Or send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.