Friday Night/Erev Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat services in person and via Zoom at 6:30 pm, led by Emily Fuller. Zoom: Morning Dan Edidin and John Zemke lead a service in the Conservative tradition, in-person and via Zoom at 10 am. We will read and discuss the week’s Torah portion.
CBS Book Club Sunday, December 20 @ 3 pm New Member Shabbat Friday, January 21st Tefilah Tuesdays @ 7 pm – Hebrew Bible with Howard Lidsky Sundays @ noon @ CBS
Religious School & Youth Group
Religious school, Hebrew school & Youth Group will be on winter break until Wednesday, January 19
Erev Shabbat at CBS
24 & 31 – Zoom-only services (winter holidays)
7 – Services with CBS post-b’nai mitzvah students (Zoom and in-person)
14 – 2nd Shabbos with Kurt Saxton, Baha’I community/MLK remembrance (Zoom and in-person)
21 – New Member Shabbat and
Musical Shabbat with Andy and BelleAnne Curry (Zoom and in-person)
28 – Services led by religious school students (Zoom and in-person)
CBS Book Club
The CBS Book Club will meet via Zoom this Sunday, December 19, at 3 pm. Discussion will focus on Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. This short book lays out, in a very compelling way, a set of 20 indicators of threats to democracy, with suggestions about how to counteract them.  To facilitate discussion, Hanna Klachko will bring us information about the author, and Warren Solomon has prepared a set of questions for our consideration and debate.
The CBS Tikkun Olam committee met to discuss donations of TO funds to local organizations on our behalf. Those groups include:
Catholic Charities Afghan Refugee Resettlement Program
City of Refuge
Room at the Inn
Voluntary Action Center FISH fund
True North
Loaves and Fishes
St. Francis House
Rainbow House
A shout out to our amazing community for purchasing everything on our VAC holiday sponsored family’s list. All of the gifts were dropped off last Monday to the VAC volunteers. Todah to all who helped ensure this family’s holiday happiness and cheer.
Also – again this year, CBS is collecting coats, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, scarves, and winter hats, to be distributed through several shelters. A hanger box is in the foyer of the sanctuary. Please help fellow Columbians stay warm during the cold months.
Afghan Refugees
Mandana Hakimi is helping settle refugee families in Columbia, acting as translator and assessing individual families’ needs. One of her current families has an infant and pre-school girls. All are in need of warm winter clothes, among other things.
Mandana has compiled a list of the most urgent needs. She also invites anyone who’d like to actively help out to go with her on her visits with the families.
Jewish & New-ish: A Supportive Online Space for Those Who Have Recently (0-5 Years) Converted to Judaism Thursday, January 13 ●  7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST
Have you converted to Judaism in the past five years? Join an online gathering where you can make connections, process your experiences, and learn with others in this safe space offered through a Reform Jewish lens. Ask questions without fear, share triumphs and challenges in a nurturing environment, and continue to explore your journey with Judaism in a community of care.We recognize that the experiences of those who convert to Judaism are by no means monolithic (and many choose other language to describe themselves, preferring Jew by Choice, or preferring not to label themselves at all). We welcome and affirm people from a wide range of backgrounds including Jews of Color, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and people from other marginalized communities.
Tickets for the 2022 Columbia Values Diversity breakfast are available now and selling fast. This community event will be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center on Thursday morning, January 13, from 7am – 9 am. A program promoting diversity through the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. will be presented along with the breakfast.
Because of continued COVID concerns, the overall seating capacity and the number of seats at each table will be reduced. CBS is sponsoring a table as a “Friend” but this year we will not be reserving a table.
In memory of Ruben Hakimi
The Goodman daughters – Janet, Rachel & JoyceTo the sacred music fund
Margie Sable & George Smith
To the Endowment Fund and the Capital Campaign
Margie Sabe & George Smith
To Tikkun Olam
Deborah & John Zemke
To the Community Garden fund Audry Hiaoui
Donations to CBS are a good way to remember or honor people and special life events. Your gift can be directed to the CBS general fund, the rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF), the library, the Sasha Yelon book fund, the school scholarship fund or the sacred music fund.
Send a check to CBS, 500 W Green Meadows Rd, Columbia 65203, with a note with details about honorees and where you’d like the notification sent. We’ll send a handwritten card as you direct.
Tell & Kvell!
Wendy Sims is proud to report that her daughter, Rayna Sims, is an associate producer of the CNN Heroes All-Star Tribute program awards broadcast.
Mazal Tov, Wendy and Rayna!
Have you received an award or a promotion, welcomed a new child to your family, or otherwise have reason to kvell? Share your good news with your CBS friends. Send an email to Mary at to include in eShalom.