Why is this night…?
Pesach is the most widely celebrated holiday among American Jews. And why not? There’s lots of food and lots of talk, two things Jews regard highly. Oh, and questions, and who doesn’t like a good question or four?
So I thought I’d ask four for your enjoyment:
1.In most Haggadot Moses’ name is missing. You can search high and low, and there’s no mention of our famous liberator. Why?
2.When we arrive at the Magid portion of the seder, the point where we begin to tell the story of Pesach, the leader raises the matza and famously says,”This is the bread of affliction that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.” But everyone knows that the Israelites did not eat matza until they were out in the desert, when, not having leavened their dough, unleavened bread emerged from their packs fully packaged in cardboard boxes labeled “Manischewitz.” So, why does the leader comment on matza as if we ate it while slaves?
3.We love charoset, that sticky mixture of walnuts, apples, and wine. It’s so tasty, yet we only ever eat it on Pesach. Why?
4. What is the most important theme of the Pesach story?
Rabbi Phil M. Cohen